"The actual circuit board works as a part of the antenna and the metal frame around the coupler signal into it. But it means that the user can not avoid interfering antenna system with its touch," ComON quotes Gert Frølund Pedersen as saying
"But the human tissue will in any event, have an inhibitory effect on the antenna. Touch means that a larger portion of the antenna energy turns into heat and lost. Thus becomes less efficient antenna to send and receive radio signals," he continued.
(翻译)现在电话(指iPhone 4)的电板,已经和天线和它的金属外壳,连成一体。 这就是说,只要使用者用手触摸电话,就会影响电话的信号。 人体组织在任何情形下, 都会抑制天线的作用。 因为触摸会导致部分天线的能量, 转移成热量而流失。这导致天线的接收功能被削弱。
问题在于人体的接触导致天线短路, 所以苹果就建议iPhone 4 使用者,在天线的部分粘上胶纸,或买苹果的电话套。
当然其他厂商趁这机会攻击非常正常。 人们不但会购买 iPhone 4,而且会把这天线问题拿出来炫耀。 这就好像蔡澜说过的:某人常常在他面前说名牌钻石表不好,会脱落。 同样的, iPhone 4使用者会说天线问题有问题,然后拿出iPhone 4 脱下那电话护套,表演天线短路给人看。