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当马来西亚朝野在争论, 尤其是执政党放话, 把津贴当作“鸦片” 论的时候,我想到一个摇头丸的笑话。写下来大家分享,随大家对座入号。

有一天,在森林里一只兔子正在快乐的奔跑,它碰到一只大象,大象正在抽鸦片,兔子说:「大象大象,你为什么要伤害自己呢?快来跟我一起在这美好的大森林里奔跑吧」。 于是大象跟上兔子一块在森林里快乐的奔跑。

他们跑着跑着碰到一只猴子,猴子正在吸大麻,兔子说:「猴子猴子,为什么要伤害自己呢?快来跟我一起在这美好的大森林里奔跑吧」。 于是猴子跟上兔子一块在森林快乐的里奔跑。

他们跑着跑着遇到一只狮子,狮子正卷起袖子准备打海洛因,兔子说:「狮子狮子,为什么要伤害自己呢?快来跟我一起在这美好的大森林里奔跑吧。」 狮子听了扔掉针筒,跳起来把兔子狠狠揍了一顿。



Once upon a time there was a little bunny walking through the woods when he came across a giraffe rolling a joint. The little bunny quickly said, "Mr. Giraffe, why are you smoking marijuana? Drugs are bad, you should take a walk with me and I will show you the wonderful forest." The giraffe agreed and walked with the little bunny.

On there walk they came across a big elephent that was about to do a line of coke. The little bunny quickly said, "Mr. Elephant, why are you doing cocaine? Drugs are bad, you should take a walk with me and I will show you the wonderful forest." The elephant agreed and walked with the little bunnyand the giraffe.

They soon come across a lion about to shoot up herion. The little bunny quickly said, "Mr. Lion, why are you doing herion? Drugs are bad, you should take a walk with me and I will show you the wonderful forest." Just then, the lion beat up the little bunny. The giraffe and the elephant quickly said, "Why did you beat up our friend?". The lion responded saying, "Every time that damn bunny does ecstasy I have to walk through the forest with him."

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