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Youtube 德国视频可不可以的问题。

GEMA德国歌手音乐播放权利协会,对于在德国上载的音乐, 都必须经过德国歌手的许可,要必然就不准播放。
所以就有些德国流行曲, 被粉丝录上了youtube 传出去晒的时候,在德国境内的youtube 就出现youtube 黑屏。反之,在德国经过 GEMA 允许的,除了德国, 就倒转过来,不是德国的网路 IP , 就不播给你看。

如果是粉丝,也会跳脚,他妈妈的法克GEMA, 你是猪队友吗?德国摇滚就是德国摇滚,你GEMA 这么一搞,结果德国外形容德国歌手的时候,来来去去都是XX, YY像美国英国的某某,所有人都以为如此,因为youtube 一找,居然来个GEMA。 

比较一下Adele 那个hello 后面乱喊叫,能算是歌吗?Adele 那种说模仿  Alanis Morissette 都算不上。  

结果就是, 歌手和经纪公司自己也在给非 GEMA 版本的 Youtube.  



省思物累的摇滚, 就应该是这个样。 歌词用 谷歌翻译去还有点原本的意思。但是就无法像德语原歌那么优美。

One day you notice,
that you do not need 99%.
You take all the ballast
and throwing it away,
Because it travels better, pack light.
You look around at your apartment,
Viewing a Cabinet of absurdities.
Do the results of buy
and buy things,
of which one thinks
one would need them at some point.
Do the clothes you
have never been worn and you
never going to wear yet
they stay with you
Too much cobwebs and too much stuff
Too much contaminated site in Tupper goods
And one day you notice
that you do not need 99% of them
You take all the ballast
and throws him away
Because it travels better
pack light
pack light
Not just a small
Household plastic also
the army of scrap and neuroses
on your soul grows ever more
always depends blood Augend often at your throat
How cool would that idea
get rid of all
Everything in a heap
with Sterno and scale
and it burns and burns so beautiful
A fire
To have seen in kilometers yet
And one day you notice
that you do not need 99% of them
So take all the ballast
and throws him away
Because it travels better
pack light
pack light
From today
only the important things
From today
only the important things
From today
only the important things
From today
only light luggage
And one day
falls on you
Little is what you really need
So you take the ballast
and throws him away
because it is to live better
so much better
With light luggage
All the filth of yesterday
All the scars
All the bills that lying around too long open
Let her go, they throw it away
Because it travels better
pack light

